Lakeside Amateur Radio Club

Endless Potential L.A.R.C. is a 501 (c) 3

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Club DMR Repeater

LARC DMR Repeater Out 147.225 (-.780) In 146.445 Color Code: 1

Time Slot: 1 Talk Group: 311163

Linked in to:

San Diego TG: 310014

Yuma AZ TG: 312151

Club Net 7PM every Wen but meeting night

LARC Net is Now on 449.440 (-) MHz PL 107.2 *****

L.A.R.C. Simplex Frequency

Talk-in Frequency for ALL Events 146.550 Simplex

We meet at the Ranch House in Santee Ca.

11510 Woodside Ave Ste F Santee, CA 92071

Next Meeting Date:

April 10th 2024

Meeting Time:

Meeting Starts at 7PM

Next Meeting Topic:

Hamfest 2024 and other Items

Meeting Speaker:

L.A.R.C. Members

Members can stay informed of What up  with the LARC Download this Whats up App to your phone. We set up your phone at the meeting.

Affiliations: SANDARC, Inc. & ARRL (12-10-2014)

Founded: September 7, 2010

Goals: Activities to include Field Day, Special Event Stations, Parades, and more!

Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Ranch House Restaurant.

Nets: Every Wednesday but the 2nd Wednesday of the month

Hamfest: First LARC San Diego Hamfest 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, 2024

Facebook SDHF: SDHamfest Facebook Page

ARRL Special Service Club: LARC Special Service Club 9-24-2018

501 c 3: Effective March 20, 2019

DMR Repeater: First 2m San Diego  Aug. 31, 2019

We saw a need to start a new club with some Kindness, Honesty, and Integrity towards others. A small Focus Group was setup to see what it would take to start a club from scratch. All members of the Focus Group had years of experience with other clubs and organizations. We started at the Post Office, moved on to the FCC, got the Club’s Call KJ6KHI, and came up with Knowledge Justice 6 Kindness, Honesty, and Integrity for the phonetics.

We then started on the website and logos. The is a given as most of us live in the town of Lakeside, and we are about Amateur Radio. The logos were fun to do. I looked at my Western Hat and Boots and just added the HT and bingo the first logo was done. On to the next logo, the main one with the horse shoe. This took a little more time to design. The horse shoe is right side up so all the luck will not run out. The Mustang in the middle illustrates the power of its members, the wire antenna “G0GSF” characterizes something entirely different for Hams to think about. The six element beam represents the first six members of the Focus Group whose goal was to “Shoot for the Moon” when starting a new Amateur Radio Club. The black and gold color represents the colors of the local High School and Gold is the color of our resources, our Members.

Other Club Apologizes to the LARC!


Talk to L.A.R.C.

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your Ham Radio and you have any Ham Radio Gear you like to get ride of we can help you.

The Ranch House