VE Testing And Class Schedule

VE Testing

Morning Star Lutheran Church

Dates: Every 4th Saturday of the Month
Where: Lutheran Church
12821 Ha Hana Road, Lakeside, California 92040
Time: 9AM – 12 Noon

Contact Person: Mike Mastroleo, AJ6NJ

Who the VEC?

LARC and GLAARG “Greater Los Angeles Amateur Radio Group” are happy and pleased to offer examinations for a beginning or upgrade license in Amateur Radio. It is necessary for the candidate to bring to the testing location the following items: A government photo ID (driver’s license, military ID or passport) along with $10 in cash, accept personal checks with proper ID . Yes ONLY $10.00! If you should fail an examination you may take another examination for another $10 fee. The FCC requires a $35 processing fee in order to obtain your license, paid on the FCC website.



If you are testing for your first license (Technician) you will also need an FRN issued by the FCC. If you do not have one, please go to and register. Just follow the prompts. You will receive a ten digit number. Those process is free.

If you are upgrading, then besides an FRN please bring a copy of your current license. We will provide forms to register for the examination (NCVEC-605 quick form). Please be advised that the FCC is no longer issuing paper licenses. If you wish or need a paper copy of your license, you will need to go to and request one. You would need to use the same site that you obtained your FRN. Testing will begin at 9 AM. Walk-ins are welcome provided that have all necessary paperwork is in order.

Please visit this site before you go!!!

Class Schedule & Study Guides

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your Ham Radio and you have any Ham Radio Gear you like to get ride of we can help you.